Sunday, March 27, 2011

CyberPower and iBuyPower include AMD Radeon HD 6990 3D-cards in configuration of gaming PCs

AMD has just introduced a graphics accelerator - AMD Radeon HD 6990, which bears the title of the fastest game 3D-cards of the world as producers of PCgaming today announced that the new product is available in their products. 
CyberPower company added a dual-processor accelerator in a model series Gamer Dragon, Ultra, and Fang EVO.

It is also possible to have two HD 6990 beasts in your PC working in SLI. In case you have opted for two video cards, you get a graphics subsystem with 6144 stream processors and 8 GB of GDDR5 memory.

The most affordable gaming system with CyberPower Radeon HD 6990 is priced at $ 1399. Of course, with the addition of other high-performance components of the price increases rapidly. 

iBuyPower - the other provider of gaming PCs is not far behind. It also offers a model with one or two cards, graphics processors that operate at frequencies of 830 MHz (880 MHz, with the inclusion of an alternative version of BIOS). Effective clock frequency of GDDR5 memory is 5000 MHz.

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