Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Samsung S52600 Star II will be launched in February

The original widely spread Samsung Star is now aging seriously. To fix this,Samsung has prepared a successor. Samsung Star II has been leaving leakages here and there at the recent times and now we finally have an official word on its specifications and availability. Remaining a budget niche product, Star II model number S5260 will not get any version of Android as it could. Instead, designers have left it with the Samsung’s in-house bada core with TouchWiz UI on top of it by the looks of things. Probably to remain at low hardware requirements and keep a competitive price, though this is yet to be proved. Speaking of competition, Samsung Star II aims at social networking and comes with a fistful of respective clients and apps. A splash of specs is after the jump.

Samsung S5260 Star II specifications:

Connectivity: Bluetooth 3.0, IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, EDGE
Display: 3" 240 × 400 WQVGA
Camera: 3.2 megapixel
Software: TouchWiz UI, Social Hub, Facebook, Twitter, IM apps
Battery: 1,000 mAh

S52600 Star II will launch in February in Germany and then spread to other EU countries, South America and Middle East to India.
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