Friday, April 8, 2011

Mini iPhone Charger

Has it been another long day for your poor iPhone? Are those apps draining the battery more than you'd like, could your poor over worked device use a bit of a boost every now and then? If so then look no further than the Mini iPhone Charger.
This handy little booster pack is absolutely tiny, easily fitting in a pocket or bag. Alternatively with the attached strap will happily fix on to a bag strap, or something similar to keep it handy for when you need it the most.
The Mini iPhone Charger can charge via USB port in 1-2 hours, or if you are of a more green disposition, and the sun pops out you can use the solar panel to charge it, although this will require 12-15 hours for a full charge. Once charged you just keep the Mini iPhone Charger handy, and when you need a boost simply plug it into the dock at the bottom of the iPhone just like you would to charge or sync normally. The charger will take 1-2 hours to give a full boost, and from that you can get up to 4 hours of talk time, or 17 hours of music playback.
This mini charger really is great for those who don't like to put their iPhones down, and as such often find that the frustratingly short battery life is not quite enough for their energy demands. A quick power boost from the Mini iPhone Charger and they'll still be happily using their apps a good while after normally they would be experiencing withdrawal due to a lack of battery charge.
  • Pocket sized iPhone battery booster
  • re-chargeable Li-Polymer battery pack
  • Charges by USB (1-2 hours) or solar power (12-15 hours)
  • Boost charge to iPhone battery in 1-2 hours
  • Can give up to 4 hours talk time, and 7 hours of music playback from a full charge
  • Black and white colour scheme
  • Works with all current iPods and iPhones including the 3Gs, and iPhone 4 

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