Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Samsung starts mass production of 22-inch transparent LCD panels

Samsung has announced mass production of transparent LCD panels. The products have a diagonal of 22 inches and are characterized by a resolution of 1680 x 1050 pixels. Panels are available in two versions: color and black and white.

Compared to conventional LCD panels with built-in lighting, transparency, which is about 5%, the newtechnology of Samsung raised the values ​​to 15% for color style and 20% - for black and white, which allows seeing through the display. 

According to the manufacturer, transparent panels consume 90% less electricity due to the fact that they use light from external light sources, including solar. Universal connection determines the presence of interfaces HDMI andUSB.

Senior vice president of SamsungElectronics LCD Business Younghwan Park expressed confidence that displays on the basis of transparent panels will find wide application in various fields, and therefore the company intends to lead this segment of the market.

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