Friday, April 15, 2011

Apple releases iOS 4.3.2

Apple has just released the latest version of iOS, iOS 4.3.2 which fixes problems like FaceTime issues and international iPad 3G connections and security. Still there is no news about the low battery time that the iPhone 4 was having problems with on iOS 4.3, but at least the new software fixes some of the problems that users had with FaceTime and also with their iPad 3G.

In the release note there is no reference to any updates that they may have brought to fix the battery life issue, of course this issue may be already fixed and not noted. Like previous updates, the new iOS 4.3.2 is very easy to install and all you have to do in order to have it on your device is to plug your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your computer open iTunes and just click check for updates, so if you are the owner of an iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, or iPod Touch than just download it and find out for yourself what improvements Apple has made.

This update contains improvements and other bug fixes including…
  • Fixes an issue that occasionally caused blank or frozen video during a FactTime call
  • Fixes and issue that prevented some international users from connecting to 3G networks on iPad Wi-Fi + 3G
  • Contains the latest security updates
On a side note, if you’ve jailbroken your iOS device or unlocked your iPhone and you want to keep it that way, we strongly advise you not to update at the moment especially via iTunes as you will loose both your jailbreak and carrier unlock. The latest ultrasn0w tool from the iPhone Dev Team is only updated to cover up to iOS version 4.3.1 and not this latest 4.3.2.

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